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How to lose a great job within an hour – 10 min read
21st April 2017 | Interview Tips

The average time that is considered for an in-person interview is about 45 to 60 minutes. That is why it is so important not to make the wrong impression. With that in mind, here are 10 things you should avoid in a job interview.
Poor body language
Your eye contact, facial expressions, handshake and posture can all hinder, or help your chance of succeeding the interview.
Apparently the two most common interview mistakes are failing to make eye contacts and not smiling. It is a fact that anxiety can affect your body language. But doing your research and being prepared can help ward off the stress.
Inappropriate attire
To a great degree, what you wear depends on the company dress policies and the role you have applied for. Nothing is wrong with asking about the company culture and policies. It is important to look at your best, but be careful not to go over the top.
It is also important to wear something you feel comfortable in.
Not listening actively
The interview nerves, might affect your patience and concentration. Be aware of it, listen effectively to what is said. This is your opportunity to build rapport and turn the interview to a fruitful exchange. Be clever in tracing the style of communication and that style.
Talking too much
Stick to what you have prepared and only digress a little if you must. There is a danger to talk yourself out of success by creating a misunderstanding. Listen to the questions carefully and relate your answers. Naturally, in any interview there is a degree of improvisation. However, if you have done your homework, you should be able to find a reasonably good answer. If you don’t know the answer at all, be honest. This is an opportunity to show your honesty and confidence.
Getting too friendly
Job searching is a personal experience and you might feel alone in this journey. Don’t let this feeling affect your interview. The interview is a business meeting but stay in line with the level of familiarity showed to you. It is good to show some emotions and bring energy to the conversation, yet keep it under control.
Using slang words or unfamiliar jargon
It is acceptable to utter an ‘um’ occasionally, while thinking. However, using lots of ‘ah’ ‘um’, ‘Ok’, ‘like’ won’t represent any confidence and is a bad sign. Show your professionalism with a range of power words such as: ‘I’m confident about’, ‘my experience shows’ or ‘my goal is’.
It is also recommended to avoid lots of terminologies. You might be working in a field that you need to use a range of jargon on a day to day basis but in the interview use the jargon only when necessary.
Being overconfident and showy
There is a marginal difference between being confident and cocky. Remember, no matter how expressive your CV is, your attitude plays an important part in getting the job. The whole idea of an in-person interview is to see ‘who you are’.
Being ambiguous in answering questions
It is a common practice in interviewing to ask behavioral questions. You need to be ready to draw a specific example for the question. During your preparation, think of a few occasions, when you ‘went an extra mile’, ‘solved a problem’, ‘suggested a new idea’ or ‘handled a difficult communication’. The worst thing here is to be vague and ambiguous. The best way to answer these types of questions is to follow the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) rule.
Not asking questions
When asked if you have any questions, don’t say No! Be prepared for at least a couple of good questions. Use the opportunity to show your curiosity, willingness and your knowledge of company.
Remember, a job interview is not a one way system! This is your chance to find out if this is the right company for you.
Acting desperate
No matter how much you want to be the successful candidate, do not act or talk desperate. Acting desperate makes you appear as if you do not value your own skills and experiences. Stay calm, confident and cool.
Follow our advice and it will make a real difference as to whether you are successful in securing a job offer or not. Good luck!