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Digital Marketing Interview Questions
26th May 2017 | Interview TipsJob Hunting

So you have found your perfect job within Digital Marketing, and have secured an interview. What now? Prepare, prepare, prepare is my main advice! Make sure you know the format of the interview, including what sort of questions you will be asked. Make sure you know who you will be interviewed by, where the interview will take place, how long it will take and when they are looking to make a decision. Speak to your recruiter to find out this information and make sure you ask lots of questions – ask them how previous interviews have gone, and if they didn’t go well, what it was that went wrong. The more information you have, the better you can prepare, and the more your mind will be put at ease.
Why do you want to work for us?
Make sure you have done your research – preparation is key here! Talk to your recruiter about the company, look on their website, Google them to look for interesting news articles, look at the company profile on LinkedIn and look at other employees in LinkedIn to see what sort of backgrounds they have. Make sure you have done your research and tailor your answer to this company; many people make the mistake of talking a lot about the job specification and why they match this, but forget to show a real interest in the company. Most clients are looking for someone who will stay with them for the long-term, and a genuine interest for the organisation is a good indication for this.
What do you enjoy most about digital marketing?
Again, be really positive, this is your chance to sell yourself! State what you have learned, what additional skills you have gained in a variety of areas and make sure to include the names of any specific systems or tools you have used.
What do you not enjoy about Digital Marketing?
DO NOT say nothing! This looks like you are fibbing, or haven’t considered the question! Be honest, but phrase your answer in a professional and positive way. If you tell the interviewer honestly what you find challenging about your role, but show how you have worked around this and found a solution, it shows you as a proactive, flexible candidate who is able to overcome obstacles –hopefully just the type of person they want to hire!
Time and time again our clients ask prospective employees to bring examples of their work. If these are online, take your ipad or laptop to the interview and show the employer live website examples, previous marketing campaigns, or images of branding you have done. If you have any printed materials you can take with you then do so. This is a fantastic opportunity to show you have prepared for the interview, and that you really want it, and of course, it’s another opportunity to showcase your talents!
Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?
Be careful this with one – make sure you have done some research on the company and have an appropriate answer prepared that is specific to the company you are be interviewed by. For example, if it’s a small company then don’t say you want to be leading a large team, as this may put the interviewer off. Don’t say, ‘running your own business’ as they may think you may not stay for long, and don’t say ‘working as a manager in a large corporate company’ if this isn’t what this company can offer. Taylor your answer, and make sure it’s relevant to the company you are interviewing for.